
SC.0. Orientation of CSCP Class FREE 00:33:23
SC.1. Introduction to CSCP (1/2) 01:04:18
SC.2. Introduction to CSCP (2/2) 00:45:22
SC.3. Setup the Supply Chain Strategy (1/2) 00:49:40
SC.4. Setup the Supply Chain Strategy (2/2) 01:06:22
SC.5. Setup the Supply Chain Strategy (Review textbook 1/2) 01:16:37
SC.6. Setup the Supply Chain Strategy (Review textbook 2/2) 01:08:52
SC.7. Demand Management 01:16:12
SC.8. Demand Management(Review textbook) 00:52:44
SC.9. Manufacturing Planning and Control System(1/2) 01:13:57
SC.10. Manufacturing Planning and Control System(2/2) 01:12:45
SC.11. Manufacturing Planning and Control System(Review Textbook) 01:09:58
SC.12. Supply Chain Design 01:06:06
SC.13. Supply Chain Design(Review Textbook) 00:55:10
SC.14. Information Technology(1/2) 01:10:05
SC.15. Information Technology(2/2) 00:37:46
SC.16. Information Technology(Review Textbook) 01:06:54
SC.17. Continuous Improvement, Quality Management(1/2) 00:52:12
SC.18. Continuous Improvement, Quality Management(2/2) 00:54:12
SC.19. Project Management 01:09:26
SC.20. Inventory Management(1/2) 01:20:48
SC.21. Inventory Management(2/2) 00:47:07
SC.22. Logistics 01:15:48
SC.23. Logistics(International part) 00:48:36
SC.24. Customer Relationship Management(1/2) 00:50:38
SC.25. Customer Relationship Management(2/2) 01:09:35
SC.26. Customer Relationship Management(Review Textbook) 01:11:39
SC.27. Supplier Relationship Management(1/2) 00:52:20
SC.28. Supplier Relationship Management(2/2) 01:49:50
SC.29. Risk Management(1/2) 00:42:41
SC.30. Risk Management(2/2) 00:41:45
SC.99. Interim Test Answer sheet 00:00:00
Wrap up & 문제풀이
[CPP] 0.Introduction to Wrap up and Solve review questions FREE 00:05:46
[CPP] 0.Study Material Download 00:00:00
[CPP] 1. Wrap up Session(1/2) 01:48:00
[CPP] 2. Wrap up Session(2/2) 01:10:29
[CPP] 3. Ch1. Forecast and Manage demand 01:10:26
[CPP] 4. Ch2. Manage the global supply chain network and information (1/2) 00:44:16
[CPP] 5. Ch2. Manage the global supply chain network and information (2/2) 00:44:02
[CPP] 6. Ch3. Source products and Services 00:50:57
[CPP] 7. Ch4. Manage Internal Operations And Inventory (1/2) 00:44:33
[CPP] 8. Ch4. Manage Internal Operations And Inventory (2/2) 00:48:40
[CPP] 9. Ch5. Manage Supply Chain Logistics 00:39:33
[CPP] 10. Ch6. Manage Customer and Supplier Relationships (1/2) 00:49:49
[CPP] 11. Ch6. Manage Customer and Supplier Relationships (2/2) 00:31:34
[CPP] 12. Ch7. Risk Management 00:47:47
[CPP] 13. Ch8. Evaluate and Optimize the Supply chain 00:48:08

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Tel: 02-6287-3337 | gics17@naver.com

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