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CPIM 문제 풀이 과정 챕터1 78번 문제

2024-02-28 14:42
78. Which of the following is the most appropriate subject for discussion at the demand planning phase meeting that is part of the S&OP process?

A. Strategies to close any gaps between the demand plan and business plan revenue goals

B. Strategies to propose solutions to any supply and demand mismatch

C. Identifying areas where supply, demand, and finance plans can reach consensus

D. Identifying how to get cooperation for the plan with the entire supply chain



78번 문제에서 보기 B의 내용을 summary 노트에 있는 S&OP의 정의로 보기는 다소 무리가 있을까요?

summary에서는 a set of decision making process to balance demand and supply~라고 이해를해서
mismatch의 solutions라 balance를 맞춰주는 보기B를 정답으로 선택했습니다.
전체 1

  • 2024-02-28 14:51

지아이씨에스(Oncerti) 고객센터

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