
SM0. CPSM Indroduction & How to register exam FREE 00:53:42
SM2_0. CPSM Module 2 Introduction FREE 00:15:34
SM2_1. Overview of Supply Management(1/3) 00:48:44
SM2_2. Overview of Supply Management(2/3) 00:55:21
SM2_3. Overview of Supply Management(3/3) 01:07:38
SM2_4. S&OP_Demand Planning 01:02:40
SM2_5. S&OP_Demand Forecasting 01:12:16
SM2_6.S&OP_ Demand Planning & Forecasting(Textbook Review) 01:26:22
SM2_7. S&OP_Develop Products/Services 00:45:05
SM2_8. Quality Management(1/2) 01:10:55
SM2_9. Quality Management(2/2) 00:36:54
SM2_10. Logistics and Materials handling(1/4) 00:48:30
SM2_11. Logistics and Materials handling(2/4) 01:10:45
SM2_12. Logistics and Materials handling(3/4) 01:03:32
SM2_13. Logistics and Materials handling(4/4) 01:00:05
SM2_14. Project Management 01:23:22
SM2_15. Final Exam(80 Problems) 01:02:53
M.1 Supply Management core
SM1_0. CPSM Module.1 Orientation FREE 00:04:27
SM1_1. Sourcing(1/4) 00:42:21
SM1_2. Sourcing(2/4) 00:42:28
SM1_3. Sourcing(3/4) 01:13:55
SM1_4. Sourcing(4/4), Category Management 01:13:43
SM1_5. Sourcing, Category Management 00:22:31
SM1_6. Negotiation 00:59:28
SM1_7. Legal and Contractual(1/2) 00:52:22
SM1_8. Legal and Contractual(2/2) 00:56:41
SM1_9. Supplier Relationship Management(1/3) 00:50:23
SM1_10. Supplier Relationship Management(2/3) 00:35:32
SM1_11. Supplier Relationship Management(3/3) 00:58:23
SM1_12. Cost and Price Management(1/2) 01:02:32
SM1_13. Cost and Price Management(2/2) 00:41:58
SM1_14. Financial Analysis 00:32:55
SM1_15. Final Exam(70 Problems) 00:45:28
M.3 Leadership & Transformation in Supply
SM3_1. Orientation & Develop Strategy(1/2) 00:37:33
SM3_2. Develop Strategy(2/2) 00:57:56
SM3_3. Stakeholder engagement 00:54:43
SM3_4. People development & Coaching(1/2) 01:06:06
SM3_5. People development & Coaching(2/2) 00:32:17
SM3_6. System Capability & Technology 00:45:14
SM3_7. Risk and Compliance(1/3) 00:52:03
SM3_8. Risk and Compliance(2/3) 00:49:20
SM3_9. Risk and Compliance(3/3) 00:36:24
SM3_10. Corporate Social Responsibility & Ethics 00:52:54
SM3_11. Fianl Review test(100) 1/2 00:49:08
SM3_12. Fianl Review test(100) 2/2 00:37:40

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