템플릿 – Photograph Article

The camera obscura literally means "dark chamber" in Latin.

Photography is the result of combining several technical discoveries.

Ancient Han Chinese philosopher Mo Di from the Mohist School of Logic was the first to discover and develop the scientific principles of optics.

지아이씨에스(Oncerti) 고객센터

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개인정보 처리방침  | 이용약관  | 개인정보책임자: 박대성

사업자명: (주)지아이씨에스(GICS)

대표: 안명진  | 통신판매번호 제 2024-서울강동 -0358호

사업자번호 198-88-03151 | 서울 강동구 고덕로 210. 508-203

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